Tips for Effective Offense in Madden NFL 17
Madden NFL 17 enjoys great popularity among north Americans. As a game derived from soccer, the fun of Madden mainly comes from the offense, especially offense in a way of hitting the opponents flesh to flesh. It is psychologically reasonable for players will get more excited after knocking somebody and then run forward to finish one down. There are four downs in a round of offense among which the first down is very crucial.There is some advice for you to achieve effective offense in Madden NFL 17.

Use the Select Button
After you are able to attack, you’d better push the select button if you are not so familiar with the ability of your team members. Let the system work for you to analyze the best lineup for you. And if you are willing to be more professional in the game or you are eager to have more options, you can also turn to the select button and learn from its arrangement. Eventually you will be able to make your own decisions.
Press the Square and Round Buttons In a Proper Way
Usually we press the square and round buttons to choose who will be the next to carry away our ball. The harder you press, the farther your ball will move. So you need to predict the distance between you and your teammates and press buttons in a proper way. This will help you to pass the ball successfully.
Seize the Opportunity to Complete Touch Down
If you are the last to carry the ball, please try your best to seize the opportunity and complete your touch down perfectly. You need some fake movements to distract your opponents’ attention. And it is certainly that you need the help from your teammates, especially from the one that plays the quarterback.
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